Golf Course closed today 16th July due to flooding

August 2023 BFS - Welcome (1)


When teaching all levels of players, I regularly reinforce the importance of a Pre Shot Routine for all shots for players of all levels. A consistent routine will keep you in the present, develop a consistent ball position and aim, and avoid extra thoughts or “freezing” over the ball.


“If you tuned into the Masters recently you would have closely observed Masters Champion John Rahm taking his time to follow a consistent routine. He evaluated the shot first and club and then set up grip, club-face and feet alignment and visualised his shot path and worked on controlled breathing for every shot he played.” 


“Tour Level players only average 40-50 seconds on their PSR” so you should not feel like you are holding your partners up out on the course.


Below is a great process for each shot:


 1) STOP and think 


This stage starts as you approach your golf ball when you will consider the following: your distance to target (pin or avoiding danger), the wind direction, how the ball is lying and finally your golf club selection.


 2) Prepare and Rehearse


 The next stage is about preparing yourself for the shot you are intending to play. Take a practice swing from behind the ball facing your target. Then step into the address position, aim your club face to the target first and then align your feet accordingly. Deep breath in and out if necessary.


3) Execute the shot (GASP)


  • Grip Club
  • Aim Clubface to target
  • Stance –  Feet parallel to ball and positioned for club selected
  • Posture – tilt from hips – chin up – chest up
  • Optional – Take a deep in and out just prior to your swing to relax.


4) Evaluate the shot


After your shot walk/ride and consider the following:


When you reach your next shot, your glove goes on,  the previous shot has gone out of your mind and you focus on the next shot and repeat your routine again. 


‘What if you mess up the routine?’ ‘Start that part over again’. 


Take it out for a test run on the course first in a practice round or on the range before you add it to your game in competition play.


Article written by Stewart, the Director of Golf at BlueFit.

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